by Lisa Downs -

One For The Parents: A Nostalgic Festive Season

christmas candy canes with christmas tree and lights
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Parents were all kids once too, so this holiday season why not bring back the magic of your own childhood with a Nostalgic Festive Season!

This holiday season is often all about the kids - and most often rightly so - it's a magical time for them where it's so much more than presents. It's about love, magic, family, and of course delicious food! It's about sitting around a fireplace watching your favorite festive movies, eating one too many chocolates, and watching those little ones faces as they discover that Santa has arrived and the reindeer indeed ate all of those carrots.

But parents, we were all kids once too, and often the magic of our own childhood memories never leaves us. A simple smell might remind us of the decorations on the tree one quiet Dec 24th. A slice of pudding might remind you of your grandmother who used to bake the pudding with you by her side.

Maybe your festive traditions were heading to Blockbuster, or scouring the TV Guide, excitedly choosing what films to watch, but you end up watching the same favorites every year.

As parents, it's wonderful to bring the magic of the holidays to the kids, but we should never forget our own magic. 

This holiday season, why not dedicate the holiday season to YOU. What did you love about these holidays growing up? What can you bring from your own childhood and give back to yourself?

What foods did your parents make that will instantly transport you back to your childhood? What songs fill you with utter joy? Maybe you spent this period overseas every year - if so, where?

This year, why not bring yourself the holidays YOU remember, the holidays that YOU love, and try a Nostalgic Festive Season this year. By doing so, you'll project that magic onto your own kids and maybe they will love something so much it will become your own tradition. 

Lisa Downs Written by
Lisa Downs

Lisa has been a content writer for Family Days Out for nearly 10 years, and a keen travel writer for nearly 20. She loves experiencing the best of a city, discovering the many things to do and immersing herself in the culture, and sharing these experiences with others through her writing.

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