by Lisa Downs -

Fun Ideas For Christmas In July in Australia!

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Love enjoying a winter-tastic Christmas in July? Here are some fun ideas for Christmas in July that will make sure you get all the festive feels!

If you are just like the Family Days Out team and LOVE the idea of a cozy, wintery Christmas - the kind you might get nestled in the charming chocolate box towns of Europe - then keep reading because we are here to give you some fun Christmas in July ideas that will ensure you can experience that winter wonderland Christmas you dream of (in addition to that usually hot Australian summer Christmas we all know and love!)

1. Give Yourself A Christmas Eve

One of the things that makes Christmas so special is the anticipation - and that includes Christmas Eve! The kids get excited at the idea that Santa will be visiting that very night, they see some presents wrapped under the's a magical evening so make it part of your Christmas in July!

One thing we always love to do are Christmas Eve boxes. Each member of the family gets their own box, filled with hot chocolate, marshmallows, a movie to watch, fluffy socks and maybe even new pyjamas to snuggle up in!

Get some Christmas music playing, some mince pies out and settle in for the night, ready for Santa

2. Presents

We mentioned having presents under the tree the night before, which we love as an idea as opposed to just giving one gift over your Christmas in July lunch the next day. Seeing presents all wrapped under the tree instantly brings that feeling joy, so even if you set a gift limit or arrange a Secret Santa, make sure the scene is set ready for Christmas morning!

3. Decorations

Decorations are so key to making Christmas in July special - and yes, you can go overboard! Transform your house into a Chrismas grotto - and it's all about that tinsel and lights, lights and lights!

We often use silver tinsel as it resembles snow, and love draping this silvery sparkling decoration all around the house - including up any bannisters and of course along any hearth you might have.

Don't forget to have stockings for each member of the family too. Pick a central area you can concentrate the decorations on - more than likely it will be the living room. Make sure your tree is in that area too - there's nothing more magical than settling in for that Christmas movie and seeing the twinkling lights of the tree near you. 

Of course, Christmas in July wouldn't be complete without that fake snow! Grab a spray bottle from any decoration / craft store, and give those window edges a lovely, snowy, icy feeling. 

4. Christmas morning

One of the most cherished memories that children hold so dear is Christmas morning, so why not make a whole day of it! Head downstairs, put that a/c on (if you aren't lucky with a cold winter day), snuggle up in robes and get those carols playing.

One of our traditions at Family Days Out is to enjoy ham and cheese croissants for breakfast, and a glass of bubbly or port for the parents. It's a really delicious way to start the morning (and yes, it's always fun to be allowed to open just one present!)

5. Bake!

Nothing adds to the excitement of Christmas more than the smell of gingerbread cookies baking in the oven, and it's a super fun way to have the kids get involved in the process! Also, who doesn't love decorating?

The smell of cookies and ginger instantly gives the house that winter wonderland feeling. Make sure you have a number of different cookie cutters to choose from to make it really interesting - from angels, to Santa's face and Christmas tree shapes!

So go on and enjoy that Christmas in July - but make it so much more than just a lunch around the table. Make it festive, make it cozy, make it an experience - and then you can have two completely different Christmases in one year (after all, in Australia we will never stop enjoying BBQ's in December!)

Ho ho ho!

Lisa Downs Written by
Lisa Downs

Lisa has been a content writer for Family Days Out for nearly 10 years, and a keen travel writer for nearly 20. She loves experiencing the best of a city, discovering the many things to do and immersing herself in the culture, and sharing these experiences with others through her writing.

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