Wayne National Forest
About Wayne National Forest
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Wayne National Forest FAQ’s
Doing our bit
The parks and recreation do an incredible job keeping the park clean and safe for family's to enjoy, so help them out and pick up after yourselves and keep it clean.
I’m Hungry! Can I get food at Wayne National Forest?
Bring your own lunch and enjoy it for a picnic! There are picnic areas just for you, and you can make sure you have your family's favorites foods with you too
Any top tips when visiting?
Be prepared for weather!
Does Wayne National Forest have healthy eating or Vegan options?
Make sure you bring bottled water with you to stay hydrated.
Is Wayne National Forest fully accessible?
There are open spaces, but just use your own discretion when going into some parts of the forest. Make sure you have someone with you at all times
Any additonal information?
Be careful of starting open fires - there is wildlife in the forest so keep an eye out for the rules.
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