Celebrate Gingerbread cookie day, Pepparkakans dag , with us. Instituted on December 9 in 1 9 9 6 in Sweden by the company Annas Pepparkakor as a way to promote this Holiday staple.
We’ re celebrating by setting up a decorating station where you can decorate your gingerbread cookie ( $ 3 per cookies) with icing and sprinkles.
To really amp up the Holiday spirit we’ ll also have traditional rice porridge. Choose if you want it topped with sugar, cinnamon and cold milk or sugar, cinnamon and butter. There will be a hidden almond and whoever finds it gets the prize .
Of course we’ll also have saffron buns, hot glogg and our regular menu.
Saturday, December 9 th | 10 a m - 2 p m | while supplies last, no reservations
At the Scandinavian Cultural Center
https://scandicenter.org/event/pepparkakans-dag-gingerbread-cookie-day-2023/ s
P E P P A R K A K A N S D A G – G I N G E R B R E A D C O O K I E D A Y 2 0 2 3
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