Bonner County Historical Society
About Bonner County Historical Society
Featured exhibits are Memories of Main Street: Early Communities of Bonner County and Canoes For The Journey: David Thompson at Boat Encampment in 1811. Other exhibits tell the story of the longest residents of Bonner County, the Kalispel and Kootenai people; how early residents interacted with the landscape to make livings at farming, logging, and mining; and how downtown Sandpoint developed from a few frame buildings along the railroad track to the brick storefronts we know today.
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Bonner County Historical Society FAQ’s
Teachers corner
The Museum maintains an active schedule of educational programming, research, and exhibits. Please follow the links to see images from some of the Museum sponsored programs during the Bonner County Centennial in 2007 and the David Thompson Bicentennial in 2009.
We request that large groups and bus tours please call ahead of your visit. We are happy to arrange guided tours for school classes and there is no admission charge for public schools on a scheduled visit. Please call 263-2344.
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