Aullwood Audobon Center
About Aullwood Audobon Center
Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm is an inspirational showcase of determined and infectious environmentalism, as well as containing all those features that smaller children love about farms: all the animals and the huge exciting machinery.
The Discovery Center and Children's Gardens will be particular favourites with families, with the subtheme still heavily on sustainability but overlaid with such fun as the Pizza Garden, where one may see everything necessary for said meal growing in one bed. The Bee and Butterfly yards are also a delight if the weather's in your favour, and for curious kids who'll take note there's an awful lot to be learned at Aullwood.
The Marie S. Aull Education Center is also excellent with hands on educational resources and displays.
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Suggest editHow much does it cost?
Suggest editAdults $5
Children $3
Free Under 2 years.
Last Update 2022
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Aullwood Audobon Center FAQ’s
Doing our bit
Aullwood uses sustainable methods (grass-based livestock management, proper plowing, crop rotation, absence of synthetic fertilizers and persticides).
Does Aullwood Audobon Center have a gift shop?
Nature store available.
Teachers corner
Aullwood's dedicated Education Staff teaches programs about birds and flight, reptiles and amphibians, to maple syrup making at the farm, among many other diverse programs.
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